Category Archives: Confidentiality Agreements

The Ethics Behind Cloud Storage

on 02/15/2016 by David Szostek

The ease and affordability of online billing, client management, document storage, and payment platforms is a powerful lure. When you sign-on or hit send on these sites, is there a little voice inside your head wondering whether these platforms are truly safe and whether using them could lead to an ethics violation? There should be, …Read More

Usable Password Management

on 01/15/2016 by David Szostek

  Nearly every company, from banks, to cell phone providers, to utility providers offer online portals that require a username and password. The easiest way to remember all of these is to use the same username and password for everything, but that is also the least secure (and arguably an ethics violation). The second easiest …Read More

Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals – Protected Trade Secret?

on 10/27/2015 by David Szostek

Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals – Protected Trade Secret? Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” is the use of water, sand, and chemicals to fracture rocks deep in the ground in order to release and collect hydrocarbon products. Fracking is controversial due to its alleged negative environmental impact. One of the key battles between environmental and community groups and …Read More

Violating Confidentiality Agreements

on 09/15/2015 by David Szostek

Violating Confidentiality Agreements Confidentiality agreements (also called non-disclosure agreements, or “NDAs”) are common in many different contexts, including litigation settlements, business transactions, employment contracts and intellectual property.  Violating a confidentiality agreement is a breach of a contract. A party who believes that he or she has been harmed by the breach can bring legal action, …Read More