Technology & E-Commerce
Our Technology and E-Commerce practice focuses on how any individual technology – and the way that it is used – relates to relevant, applicable laws. It is a broad practice area, and one that is highly similar to our Intellectual Property practice, so be sure to read about both practices. You will find an abbreviated list of the types of services that we can provide under this practice area, below.

Edward Allen’s attorneys have specialized knowledge in hardware, internet infrastructure, and software. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your Technology and E-Commerce needs.
Domain Name Disputes
Domain name disputes may appear in any number of ways. Don’t let your domain name, or brand, be exploited by an unauthorized domain name. Edward Allen’s attorneys know the many ways disputes can arise and have experience in resolving them successfully.
Privacy, Data, and Information Security
The Internet has fundamentally changed the way that people and companies communicate, share information, and store data. Because of this, the federal government and state governments have enacted copious amounts of legislation regulating how certain types of data may be collected, stored, and used. There can be large penalties for errors, too, even if the error only happened to one piece of data. Edward Allen can help you navigate the numerous, dense regulations that may affect your business activities and practices. It is what we do.