Michigan Cannabis Law

Cannabis Law is a specialized practice area which focuses on the changing legal environment of the expanding cannabis industry. Its a specific area, but its an important one as it finds itself in the center of competing interests of personal freedom, public safety, and economic interests all while governed by sometimes inconsistent laws between various jurisdictions.  

Cannabis Law

Edward Allen’s attorneys have put themselves at the forefront of the legal changes in cannabis here in Michigan. We strive to assist our clients in creating and maintaining cannabis businesses that operate legally within Michigan’s changing cannabis laws. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your cannabis law needs.

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

 The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that dispensaries are not authorized under existing laws. While there are a number of municipalities and prosecutors which are turning a blind eye to their existence, they could be shut down at any time as they are officially outside of the bounds of existing legislation. Currently there is new legislation in the Michigan House of Representatives, which will make this amendment, but it has yet to have been passed and will need to be closely monitored. Until that time, commercial cannabis producers are limited to caregivers, which have very strict limits on both the number of plants and number of patients which can be served.

Recreational Cannabis Use

Recreational cannabis use remains illegal both under Federal and State laws. While there are local municipalities that have decriminalized possession and use, this does not change the legality of it. It simply reduced the punishments for violations, and only when within the municipality and as a subject of the local police office. For example, Michigan State Police would not be limited from arresting or charging somebody with possession under the state or federal laws, even within the boarders of Grand Rapids. Again, there is legislation in the Michigan Senate which would amend this and allow for full legalization. Under these proposed laws there are specific provisions allowing commercial operations and also placing strict requirements on them for licensing. Time will tell if the law will be passed as written, but it is clear what direction the wind is blowing in Michigan and it is safe to assume full legalization will happen sometime in the future.